
Hire your own certified personal trainer

12 Weeks Transformation Package

999.99/ Per Package

The 12 Weeks Transformation Package


This 12 weeks will change your habits. It’s the best way to start working with Gosfit. After this program you will get a discount for the monthly membership.


I’ll teach you all the healthy habits you need to maintain healthy life. It takes time and patience, this program is very intense. You will no only have to change your fitness but your lifestyle to live longer and fell better!

I’ll teach you all about anti-aging and how to keep looking beautiful, it’s not all about genetics. We can boost our health with the right tools. I’m more than happy to introduce you to the beauty of health.

After 12 weeks – you should know enough about all the healthy habits you need. After this time you don’t need a personal coach anymore. I advise you so good you will be able to maintain this. But this takes discipline and you have to want it.

I give you my knowledge.

You will get a full nutrition program outlining every aspect of your food including kcal consumption, food choices and timings. I also provide you with a complete resistance training program to do in your own time.

Your training sessions will combine a variety of training techniques including training, body building and CrossFit….all tailored to your fitness level, which will increase!

We also weigh and measure you fortnightly to ensure not only you, but we, are keeping on track with your transformation goals.

The 12 weeks Transformation Package will ensure you have all the tools to maintain the healthy lifestyle you would have been exposed to and followed during your time with Gosfit.

Whats included:

Free 60 minute consultation
Min three sessions per week!
Personalised nutrition plan
Results from proven Personal Trainers
Progressive periodised training programs

Gosfit tailor the 12 weeks transformation package to suit your specific needs. We know that it’s not a ‘one size fits all’ world!. Therefore Magdalena is your Personal Trainer that cater for every possible goal including:

Weight loss
Increased Muscle
Increased Strength
Lean and ripped
Bikini body transformation




You’ll be a different person once you’ve finished the program


I will give you goals and you will smash them


My workouts will recruit as much muscle as possible


New body, new clothes…..sorry.

12 life changing weeks - body and mind transformation. You will not only loose body fat but also gain strength and stay lean. This package is only for determined people. I'll teach you all the secrets for a healthy lifestyle.




This package is made for your needs. I design every workout very individually for each person. We will have a talk about your fitness and your goals. Not everyone likes cardio but I’m sure, you won’t complain. I’ll create a very personalised plan, according to your wishes. 



What are your strongest parts and your weakest parts? We work on both, but it’s important to keep your upper und lower body balanced. My programs are cross-functional and it never get’s boring – this is beautiful about it. After few weeks you will see the difference and how fast you can get better!



Healthy body and mind has to be in balance. The right amount of cardio and strength is due every body type different. Some people can lift more weight from the start and some run the marathon without a big training. Remember, that a rest is very important too. It’s all about the balance. But as the workouts are designed for you – I make sure it’s balanced well. And balanced diet comes within as well. 


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